my c.v. (eng.)

Bøje Prejsler Hansen

Bøje prejsler Hansen

Godfred Hansensvej 34

8200 Århus N

tlf: 2298 5296

Copyright © 2016

My C.V.

I am an artist, a painter, educated in 1998 at the academy of fine art in Aarhus.
I paint with a colorful energy. In fact, it is the color there is my “main motive”
I do not paint in a way where the choice of color is in a narrow range. I use the whole palette of colors.
From 1998 my main motive was inspirer from the Indonesian coral see. I was snorkeling there.
This world was my main motive for almost 18 years.

I created the expression of energy, movements, colors, variations, and not to forget, the movements of the fish, in the water. I also used to take a little spot of the fish patterns, of the fish, blow it up, and make very expressive paintings out of this. In such a process, color, and forms, can change. I just need a concrete motive to “put on” and works with the colors. I do not follow the trend of the time. I just do it my way, my colors. As my mind and mood is up to, In the time. The last few years, I have been through the “evolution” gone on shore, and there, find my main motives in the nature. 

But still with a very clean and plain motive, and with powerful colors.
In gallery 8 at my web site, you can see my last painting one by one.

At my web site there is a link to “kunstbrocure” to download. It is a catalog from 2005 on 32 pages.

The preface is by the art critical Erik Meistrup. His word about me and my work is still fully correct about me.
I always try to do some different, to get new expressions out of my effort.
Even that my paintings, at the first sight look very different, they are not. It just seems so, because I use the whole range of colors, but there there is a common line through all. The nature, the pleasure of the colors, and I build the composition so the background/ the surroundings of the motive always is very important, and often tells a kind of story.

Often it is more than half of the expression in the paintings.  
In my CV you can see noted a few countries, out of the 37 I have visited, that have given me extra inspiration to my art.
Boje Prejsler Hansen



1999-2000 Adult teacher- Århus college of education

1994-1998 Århus School of fine art- vocational school

1989-1994 Århus School of fine art- drawing- painting-watercolour courses

1986-1989 Graphics School- Århus

1983-1986 Drawer- advertisning/marketing

1958-1962 Building painter

Cencored exhibitions:

2016 Menier Gallery - London - England ( Frida Khalo)

2003 KP- the Artists Easter exhibition

2000 Art Association Limfjorden- Struer

1999 VK- Vestsjællands county Association- Korsør

1999 Art Association Limfjorden- Struer

1998 KE- the Artists autumn exhibition “the free”- Copenhagen

1998 Herning municipality (spring 98)- Herning

1997 KE- the Artists autumn exhibition “the free”- Copenhagen

Selection of exhibitions:

2017 Tetra Park - Odder sammen ned kunstnergruppen "Hallofoten"

2017 Dronningelund Kunst og kulturcenter sammen med kunstnergruppen "New Yorkerne"

2016 Toldboden Kerteminde

2016 Smedjen - Thorshavn - Færøerne

2016 Pakhusgalleriet - Nykøbing Sjælland

2016 Kunstetagerne - Hobro

2015 At Aros . " project knowledge for all " a suspension and auction for the organization ELSA

2014 Galeria Krabbe - Frigiliana - Malaga - Spain

2014 Spor Kunsten - Århus

2014 Grenens Kunstmuseum

2013 Spor Kunsten

2012 “Spor Kunsten” Aarhus Kunsthal/kunstbygning - Aarhus

2012 “EGO” - PROKK - Aarhus Kunsthal/kunstbygning - Aarhus

2011 Silkeborg kunstnerhus  - Silkeborg

2011 Galleri Babette - Knebelbro

2010 Interferens - Ceres/PROKK - Århus

2010 World Exhibition Post it Galleri Rostrum - Malmø - Sverige

2010 Kirsten Kjærs Museum - Frøstrup - Thy

2010 Fanø Kunstmuseum - Fanø

2009 Skjern museum - Skjern

2009 PROKK går gourilla - profesionelle kunstnere og kunsthåndværker - AArhus

2009 Ringkøbing Raadhus - Ringkøbing

2008 Fussingø Slot - Randers

2007 PROKK - Ridehuset - Århus

2007 Århus Kunstbygning/Kunsthall- Århus

2007 Galleri Høegsminde- Voer

2006 Jyllandsposten- Århus

2005 Nordsø Museet- Hirtshals

2005 Edeka- Horsens

2005 Åbne værksteder- Århus Amt

2004 Viborg Amtsgaard- Viborg

2004 Skolernes Kunstforening- Århus

2004 Åbne værksteder- Århus Amt

2004 Galleri 17- Skive

2003 Herning sygehus- Herning

2003 Åbne værksteder- Århus Amt

2003 Herning Congrescenter- Herning

2003 Teko Center- Herning

2003 Rambøll- Århus

2003 Amtssygehuset- Århus

2003 Strandgaleriet- Vejers

2003 Skolernes kunstforening- Randers

2002 Kunstusdtillingen 2002 Congress Center

2002 Hannell- Herning

2002 Naturgas Midt Nord- Viborg

2001 Århus komunehospital- Århus

2001 Skolernes kunstforening- Viborg Amt

2001 Kunstforeningen Limfjorden påskeudstillingen- Lemvig

2001 Galleri kunstnerhuset- Silkeborg

2000 Kunstnernes hus- Århus

1999 Kulturspinderiet- Silkeborg

1998 Spinderihallerne- Vejle

1998 Jyllandsposten- Århus

1998 Kulturspinderiet- Silkeborg

1997 Ebletoft Kunstforening- Ebletoft

And many other companies and art Association-Ebletoft

Scholarship, fonds, etc.:

2017 Tækker Air`s kunstnerlejlighed i Berlin

2016 Mentanargunnur Landsins (Færøernes Kulturfond)

2016 Thorshavn Kommune - Færøerne

2012 Det Danske Institut i Athen- Grækenland

2010 Danske Bank

2010 Jydske Sparekasse

2010 Velux Fonden

2009 Tegneren Anne Grethe`s "huset i Provence”Frankrig

2005 Fonden at 9/1 1981

1998 The study and travel scholarship of the county of Ringkøbing (spring 98)


2001 The school of Sølyst- Egå

2000 Psyhiatric Hospital- Risskov

1990 The nursing home Borgvold- Viby


Kunstnergruppen Newyokerne

BKF - Danish Artists Association

ProKK - Professionelle Artist and Art Handrworker

Hallofoten (Artist Group)